Team Members

(They/Them) Kaos is one of the founding members of RAINS, is the vice-chair of the board, and is now the first paid staff at RAINS. They are working as a Community Health Program Coordinator part-time at the RAINS Community Center. As an aspiring behavioral psychotherapist and healer they are pursuing an education in Psychology and […]

(She/Her) Natalie is a nurse practitioner with 5 years experience in providing primary care and urgent care services. Natalie enjoys providing full-spectrum primary care from a trauma-informed and Health At Every Size (HAES) perspective. Natalie is particularly passionate about LGBTQ+ health and gender-affirming hormone therapy. Natalie also has a strong interest in keeping current on scientific literature for best practices in […]

(She/They) Cait is an attorney and advocate in Longview, Washington. She focuses on serving survivors of domestic violence but also practices in a variety of other areas such as landlord/tenant, estates, personal injury, and issues that touch LGBT2QIA+ community members. She grew up in Longview and graduated from R.A. Long in 2007, then went on […]