

Kaos is one of the founding members of RAINS, is the vice-chair of the board, and is now the first paid staff at RAINS. They are working as a Community Health Program Coordinator part-time at the RAINS Community Center. As an aspiring behavioral psychotherapist and healer they are pursuing an education in Psychology and Human Development. Currently they are preparing to return to college for their Masters Degree in behaviorism, cognitive behavioural, dialectical behavioral therapy. Kaos has traveled around the world in the protection and guardian field for most of the adult life, making their life about the collective of people around them at any given time. They aspire to be a innovator in the Psychological Community and hope to redefine how we see people including their minds.

Kaos resides with a mate, her adult daughter, 4 cats, and 15 sugar gliders. They enjoy gaming, metal working, and spending time with family and friends. Kaos is often labeled as yin to the yang of the chair and director. The logic and reasoning to the heart and emotion of the director. “Together we are balance she is my chaos and I am her order. Ironic I know.” ~Kaos

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